Ejournal 6: “Fundamental Theorem of Calculus”

Not taking Add Math and not having the slightest bit of differentiation in IGCSE unlike the syllabus now, I was terrified of studying calculus as I came in like a clean slate without any prior knowledge. Of course, I’ve always heard about how arduous it was from my seniors and classmates and noticed how the …

JC1 MAAHL (Final Entry)

Journey in MAAHL Entering IB, I decided to take MAAHL because I wanted to pursue my aspirations of becoming a chemical engineer – which one of the university requirements usually entailing a 5-7 in MAAHL with Imperial College London requiring a 7 (jokes on me who won’t make the requirements lol). I didn’t expect to …

Ejournal 5: Unforgettable SISMO Experience

“Anything is possible when you have the right people there to support you.” – Misty Copeland Preparation Day Ever since EE week when I first found out that we would be holding a SIS Math Olympiad (SISMO), the whole MAAH class have been invested in preparing for this event. I played a minor (and useless …

Ejournal 4: TOK Questions

To what extent do instinct and reason create knowledge? Do different geometries (Euclidean and non-Euclidean) refer to or describe different worlds? Instinct is a natural or intuitive way of acting or thinking and reason refers to the power of the mind to think, understand, and form judgments by a process of logic. Knowledge is formed …

Ejournal (Final Entry 1): “To Infinity and Beyond”

“Some infinities are bigger than other infinities” – The Fault in Our Stars When I heard this quote while reading and watching TFIOS, I understood it in a way related to the plot, but did not think that it would also be related to math. In math this can be seen, in the sense that …

Ejournal 3: “A Function of Functions”

A function is a relationship or expression involving one or more variables.  It is a relation wherein a set of inputs to a set of possible outputs where each input is related to exactly one output. In other words a function is a one-to-one or a many-to-one function (shown below). An easy way to deduce …

Ejournal 2: “Making life more complicated with complex numbers”

COMPLEX NUMBERS Although the name sounds intimidating, it really isn’t once you get used to it. Generally we can separate numbers into two broad categories: real numbers and imaginary numbers. Some of you may have never heard about imaginary numbers, but I’m sure most of you are familiar with real numbers as these are the …

Ejournal 1: “Sequences and Series”

Why it is possible to solve for the sum of an infinite geometric series? First of all, let’s start off by defining an infinite geometric series. An infinite geometric series is the sum of an infinite geometric sequence. There wouldn’t be a last term in this series.  The formula a1+a1r+a1r^2+a1r^3+…, where a1 is the first term and r is the …

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